Brantford moving

Brantford, city, seat (1852) of Brant province, southeastern Ontario, Canada, on the Grand River. It began as Brant's Ford, named for Joseph Brant, the popular Mohawk boss who was conceded the site in 1784 for the settlement of the Six Nations (see Iroquois Confederacy) after the American Revolution. White settlement dates from 1805. Brantford is currently a farming and mechanical focus. Makes incorporate materials and agrarian, auto, and refrigeration hardware. This city also has a Brantford moving company which helps many companies to move around Canada. The city, 20 miles (35 km) southwest of Hamilton, is the site of Ontario's most seasoned Protestant (Episcopal) church, Her Majesty's Royal Chapel of the Mohawks, implicit 1785. Other Indian affiliations are reflected in the Brant County Museum and Archive, Chiefswood (the origination [1861] of the Native American writer Pauline Johnson and a public noteworthy site), the Kanata Iroquois Village (a re-making of a 1600s l...